things are slowing down at tsunami help. everything's moving to wiki world, which is completely foreign to me, so i won't even bother. i think my time there has wrapped up. there are all these new people who want to take it into some new direction that's beyond my scope.
i am still one of the administrators for the missing persons page and the flickr missing persons page. missing persons? missing people? the flickr page frustrates me mightily. i think that it's there more to comfort people as it's the only page i know of where there's a community in place and who will interact with you. unfortunately, flickr is so american-centric, i'm not entirely sure anyone's really looking for anyone seriously as all our people seem to be european or asian. and frankly, the white folk aren't interested in the brown folk. i can't help but think we've provided a freak show for people to gawk at. it's like a recurring soap opera for some people. you should go over there and look at some of the comments, it makes you wonder if people have lives. i can't be too hard on them though because at least they are showing a modicum of interest in this great tragedy. the biggest reason i volunteered was because i was pissed off at the apathy of the fucking food bloggers who didn't seem to care. who still don't seem to care. sadly, my anger fueled my action, it wasn't my compassion. but i'm not quitting the work yet. even though i cannot bring myself to call the people i list in the database as victims, i do know they are missing and i work under the assumption that they are dead. if someone is found alive, that is the blessed cherry on the top of the sundae, and if we have a confirmation of death, it's awful. usually though, my sadness only lasts a night--but a bad night where i think of washing my hands of it all--and i wake up in the morning, not more determined, but just willing to go back and see what else i can do. even though i think everyone's dead, i feel that everyone will be found, eventually. i have hope for that, and that has to be something, right?
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